Make your Smart shine.

In addition to rental and assistance, Smart Rent also offers a premium car wash service.


Basic wash

Complete internal extraction

• External cleaning with shampoo

• Glass cleaning

• Wheel cleaning – Sponsored vehicle

SmallMediumBigSuper Car
45 CHF65 CHF85 CHF100 CHF
SmallMediumBigSuper Car
100 CHF150 CHF200 CHF250 CHF


Steam Cleaning

Complete carpet cleaning


• Complete seat cleaning


Specialized treatment

Complete internal extraction

• External cleaning with shampoo

• Glass cleaning

• Wheel cleaning – Sponsored vehicle

SmallMediumBigSuper Car
100 CHF150 CHF200 CHF250 CHF
SmallMediumBigSuper Car
80 CHF100 CHF120 CHF150 CHF


Engine Cleaning

Complete cleaning of engine and chassis

• Preparation for testing

Book your washing service now.

Call us at +41 91 993 13 13 or send us an email at for more information.